The Official Website of the City Government of Dagupan

Social Services (Education, Health & Nutrition)


Number of Schools: SY 2018-2019
Schools Public Private Total
Kindergarten 34 27 61
Elementary 34 28 62
Junior H.S. 8 23 31
Senior H.S. 8 24 32
Tertiary 12
Universities 3
Colleges 9
Vocational Schools 24


Enrollment SY 2018 – 2019:
Enrollment Male
Both Sexes
Both Sexes
Kindergarten  1,614 1,481 3,095 446  424 870
Elementary 9,865 8,831 18,696 2,260 2,047 4,307
Junior H.S.  6,136 6,177 12,313 2,153 2,217 4,370
Senior H.S. 1,578 1,630 3,208 3,559 4,381 7,940


Education Indicators SY 2017-2018:
Indicator Elementary Secondary
Participation Rate 93.53% 94.55%
Cohort-survival Rate 98.41% 89.05%
Promotion Rate 96.66% 92.50%
Transition Rate 98.90% 100.54%
Retention Rate 99.03%  96.09%
Repetition Rate 2.89% 20.02%
Drop Out Rate  0.29%  0.75%
Gross Enrolment Rate   101.66%   114.20%
School Leaver Rate   0.38%   2.79%



Health Statistics: (CY – 2018)

Total Number of Live Birth: 2,670
Crude Birth Rate: 15.06 live births /1000 population
Total Number of Death: 1,122
Crude Death Rate: 6.33 deaths/1000 population
Total Infant Death: 40
Infant Mortality Rate :14.98/1000 live births
Total Maternal Death :1
Maternal Mortality Rate: 37.45/1000 live births (60/100,000live births)
Under Five Deaths: 56
Under 5 Mortality Rate: 20.97/1000 live births


Ten Leading Causes of Morbidity
Causes of Morbidity Male Female Total Rate
Acute Respiratory Infection 7,380 9,151 16,531 93.27%
Skin Diseases 1,884 2,310 3,917 23.66%
Animal Bite 1,922 1,995 3,917 22.10%
Hypertension 1,389 2,441 3,830 21.61%
Bronchial Asthma/Bronchitis 801 774 1,575 88.86%
Urinary Tract Infection 388 1,011 1,399  78.93%
Punctured/Lacerated Wound 826 549 1,375 77.58%
Diarrheal Diseases/ Acute Gastroenteritis 513 531 1,044 59.00%
Arthritis 267 632 899 50.72%
Diabetes Mellitus 303 545 848 47.84%


Leading Causes of Mortality
Causes of Mortality Male Female Total Rate
Hypertension 89 58 147 82.94%
Cancer All Forms 65 72 137 77.30%
Pneumonia 66 47 113 63.75%
Diabetes Mellitus 52 57 109 61.50%
Myocardial Infarction 53 33 86 48.52%
Accident All Forms 51 13 64 36.11%
Degenerative Disease of Elderly/ Senility 29 30 59 33.28%
Cerebrovascular Diseases/ Accident 31 26 57 32.16%
Kidney/ Renal Diseases 26 18 44 24.82%
Bronchial Asthma 20 16 36 20.31%


Leading Causes of Infant Mortality
Infant Mortality
Aspiration Pneumonia 8   (29.96)
Prematurity 6   (22.47)
Pneumonia 6   (22.47)
Sepsis Neonatrum 4   (14.98)
Severe Dehydration 2   (14.90)


Leading Causes of Under 5 Mortality
Causes of Under 5 Mortality Total Percent
Pneumonia 9 33.70%
Aspiration Pneumonia 8 29.96%
Prematurity 6 22.47%
Sepsis Neonatrum 4 14.98%
Congenital Heart Diseases 4 14.98%


Health Facilities (CY 2018)
Health Facilities Public Private Total
Number of Hospitals 1 11 12
Bed Capacity 600 549 1,149


Household with access to improve or safe water supply

  • Level I
  • Level II
  • Level III
34,413 96.96%
Household with sanitary toilet facilities 32,661 92.03%
Household with satisfactory disposal or solid waste 33,560  94.56%
Household with sanitary facilities 32,208 90.75%



Nutrition Status: 

Pre-School Children (OPT 2018)
Nutrition Male Female Number Percent
Normal 11,101 10,541 21,642 96.40%
Underweight 226  185  411 1.83%
Severely Underweight 127 127 254 1.13%
Overweight  74 70 144  0.64%
Total Pre-School Weighed  21,642  10,923  22,451  100.00%


Nutritional Status Report of Elementary School Children
BASELINE July (SY 2018-2019)
Nutrition Male Female Number Percent
Severely Wasted 655 506 1,161 5.37%
Wasted 1,266 1,073 2,339 10.81%
Overweight 545 340 885 4.09%
Obese 197 61 258 0.60%
Normal 8,744  8,253  16,997 78.54%
Total Pupil Weighed  11,407  10,233  21,640 100.00%


Public Secondary Students
BASELINE July (SY 2017-2018)
Nutrition Male Female Number Percent
Severely Wasted 284   147   431 3.00%
Wasted  795  522  1,317 9.17%
Overweight   218  157  375  2.61%
Obese  29  22  51 0.36%
Normal  5,794  6,387  12,181 84.86%
Total Pupil Weighed  7,120  7,235  14,355  100.00%



A. Pre-Marriage Counseling:

• Regular: 713 couples
• Special: 107 couples

B. No. of Inter-racial Wedding: 5 couples

Mother’s Class and KATROPA: 3,856 participants
Adolescent Health & Youth: 10 schools
(2,866 participants)


Number of Staff: 41
Social Worker: 6
Non-Social Worker: 35
CSWDO Plantilla/Detailed: 11
Job Order Employees: 24

Number of Day Care Workers: 46
Number of Day Care Centers: 46
Number of Pre-School Served: 2,589
Number of Clientele Served: 28,269

• CICL: 48
• CNSP: 37
• Other Children In Need: 57
• Youth: 1,915
• Women: 2,135
• Families: 14,700
• Solo Parents: 237
• 4Ps: 4,192
• Persons with Disability: 979
• Senior Citizens: 3,969

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