The Official Website of the City Government of Dagupan

Infrastructure / Facilities


Road Type National Roads City Roads Barangay Roads Total
Length (km.) 28.76 18.18 70.52 117.46
Width (km.) 20.00 3.00-30.00 3.00-5.00  
Length of Pavement Type
Concrete 28.76 18.18 70.52 117.46

Source: City Engineer’s Office
*As of 2017, all roads has been concreted


Transportation: (CY 2018)
Number of Registered Motor Vehicles 49,971
Number of Bus Companies 7
1. Victory Liner
2. Dagupan Bus
3. Five Star
4. Solid North Transit Inc.
5. Mhelbhen Group of Operators
6. First North Luzon
7. Boltex Express

B. Infrastructure Facilities

Telecommunications: (CY 2018)

Telegraph/Money Express Padala Stations: 25
Number of Internet Service Providers: 6
Number of Telephone/Cellular Companies: 4
Number of Internet Café: 67
Number of Cable Service Providers: 4
Number of TV Broadcasting Stations: 3
Number of Radio Broadcasting Stations: 13
Number of Local Periodicals :10

Postal Communications:

Post Office (main): 1
Satellite Post Office: 3
Municipalities Served (%): 100%
Number of Letter Carriers :14
Number of Barangays served by letter carriers: 2-3 barangays/letter carrier

Water Supply:

The Dagupan City Water District (DCWD) supplies the water needs of city populace except in Barangay Carael where the water system is managed by a locally formed association, the Carael Water Works Association (CAWA).

Household served by potable water (%): 97%
No. of pumping station: 20

Number of Water Refilling Station: 84


The power requirement of Dagupan City is provided mainly by the Dagupan Electric Corporation (DECORP).

Barangays Served (%): 100.00%
Household Served (%): 95.63%


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